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General Disclosure 

The reviews and scores which Advisory Institute LLC (“Advisory”) assigns to companies within various industries or categories, are based upon Advisory’s own independent proprietary scoring system. These scores and listings are for general informational purposes only.  

Advisory sells advertising opportunities to companies which may appear on this website. Companies who wish to advertise on this website pay Advisory to be promoted or featured. However, the compensation we get from advertising agreements does not influence the review, or score we assign to those advertising partners or their products or services.    

How We Display Ratings  

Advisory uses a scoring system based on objective criteria that it sets for each category in which a company, advertising partner, product, or service is listed with the goal of creating an objective comparison tool.  Advisory does not allow companies to purchase a favorable score or rating, regardless of whether they purchase advertising from Advisory or not. 

Who and What We List  

Advisory tries to provide information about  a broad range of products, services and companies on our website. Companies aren’t required to pay Advisory or buy advertising in order to be reviewed and scored on our website.  

Advisory doesn’t have the ability to rate every single company, product, or service available in a category at any given time, and what’s available on the market is constantly changing. If you don’t see a company or product listed on this website, that does not imply that Advisory has a negative opinion of that company, or a particular product or service.  

Advertising Partnerships 

Advisory does not collect personal information from website visitors or sell it. Instead, it earns money by selling  advertising opportunities to companies which may appear on this website. Companies who wish to advertise on this website pay Advisory to be promoted or featured. However, the compensation we get from advertising agreements does not influence the score we assign to their products or services.    

Advisory does not allow advertising partners to purchase favorable scores. Any compensation which Advisory receives from advertising agreements does not influence scoring or factor into the rating system. 

If a company which is not listed on this website enters into an advertising agreement with Advisory, we may agree to add that company to our listings in connection with such an agreement. That company’s products and services will be scored and evaluated using the same objective criteria and independent scoring system that Advisory uses for companies that do not pay us.  

Advisory does allow advertising partners the opportunity to request that Advisory include additional information in their product and service listings. This may be links to their websites, a company description or motto, specific logo, or reviews pulled from third party sources.  

How We Display Listings  

When listing ratings, Advisory may choose to display the companies it scores alphabetically, by score or rating, by a characteristic which applies to all entries listed within a category, or in a random order. We do offer companies that pay for advertising the opportunity to be featured within any categories where they offer products and services that we have rated. 

Accuracy of Information 

Advisory’s website uses information pulled from various outside sources, including the companies it lists. The information on this website is intended for general informational purposes only. Because Advisory’s website is designed to list and review third parties and their products and, Advisory cannot guarantee that its website contains the most current or accurate information for each company, product or service you see listed. Advisory’s website also may not display a complete description of or the full terms and conditions of a product or service. To obtain the most recent, current and accurate information, please visit the website of the company that offers the product or service. Advisory makes no warranties relating to any of the products, services or companies you see listed on this website. 

Evaluating Products and Services 

Advisory cannot advise about whether a particular product is right for you and the information presented here is not intended as financial advice. Please do not contact us for a personalized recommendation or attempt to provide us with your personal information. Everyone’s financial situation is different, and Advisory cannot guarantee you will qualify for a particular product or service you see listed on our website. Nothing you see listed on this website should be construed as an offer for that product or service. Advisory also makes no warranties relating to any of the products, services or companies you see listed on our website. The terms or conditions of use for any product or service you see listed on this website are set by the respective company that offers it.  If you have questions pertaining to products or service you see listed here, please reach out directly to the company which offers it. When making a financial decision or evaluating any particular product or service, please consult with an appropriately licensed advisor or individual. 

List of Advertising Partners 

The following companies have paid to advertise with us:

Mutual of Omaha Mortgage

Date of Last Update:  2/16/2024